Tips for Commercial Roof Upkeep
2/23/2022 (Permalink)
Commercial Roof Maintenance Suggestions
You rely on your roof to protect your business, but your roof relies on you to protect it from the hazards of the elements in Lafayette, LA, with proper commercial roof upkeep, maintenance, and repair. You can spring a roof leak just from weathering over time, or from wind damage. Here are just a few tips to keep your roof watertight, intact, and ready to stand up to anything:
- Create a repair plan. Your first step in roof upkeep is to have a repair plan before the first roof leak happens. Don’t get caught off guard. Ensure you have the numbers for your insurance company and repair technicians on hand, and have any materials needed in place to implement a temporary leak stopper until professionals can repair it.
- Inspect after major weather events. Hailstorms, thunderstorms, hurricanes, and windstorms are your most likely culprits for weather damage, but even earthquakes can cause cracks or lost shingles on your roof. After events, conduct a thorough inspection of your rooftops.
- Clean your gutters and storm drains. Keeping your gutters and storm drains clear ensures your roof drains any runoff properly. Without proper drainage, standing water can easily cause long-term damage to your roof.
- Keep trees and other foliage clear. Not only can falling branches damage your roof and cause a roof leak, but branches and vines lashed in the wind can rip off sections of your roof or cause abrasive damage. Avoid this by trimming all foliage and trees to a clearance of a certain distance around your building’s roof.
- Inspect indoors for any tell-tale signs. Sometimes, leaks may not be readily apparent from an outside inspection. Dark spots and water spots on the ceiling, as well as problems with interior systems, may be your warning signs. Conduct periodic inspections to identify any issues early on.
Prevent a problem before it happens by taking proper care of your roof. You can also contract professionals to help check for wind damage and to weatherproof your roof to prevent future costly mishaps.